Author: Stephen
Mikeysline and Nairn County
Green Hive AGM 2020
Carlaw’s Scottish Tories left isolated as Holyrood fights Brexit power grab
“All the focus on Johnson’s refusal to extend transition has been essentially about relations between the EU and the UK – whereas in fact it is equally important for internal UK relations. By January 1, 2021 we need to know what the rules are which are actually going to govern trade within the UK –…
Zoom security issues: Here’s everything that’s gone wrong (so far)
Zoom security tip Join Zoom meetings through your web browser rather than using the Zoom desktop software. The web browser version gets security enhancements faster. “The web version sits in a sandbox in the browser and doesn’t have the permissions an installed app has, limiting the amount of harm it can potentially cause,” notes information-security…
Whatsapp blamed own users for failure to keep phone number repo off Google searches
The group were too quick to blame thier users for leaking phone numbers when a simple text file would have been enough to prevent the sensitive data appearing in search results. via Facebook
Getting to the Bottom of What the 5G Fuss is All About
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The Highland Council
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First attempt at an IRN-BRU Cheesecake went reasonably OK.
First attempt at an IRN-BRU Cheesecake went reasonably OK. For the topping – 500ml of IRN-BRU take a tablespoon of cornflour and mix with a tablespoon of IRN-BRU till smooth. Simmer the rest of the IRN-BRU in a saucepan then add the cornflour/IRN-BRU mix to the pan and stir slowly to thicken. Pour mixture into…
For all those within the Nairn River Community Council area, remember to post your ballot papers back by the 4th of December.
For all those within the Nairn River Community Council area, remember to post your ballot papers back by the 4th of December.
Stadia Connect 4.28.2020 – Now Free To Try At
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