The front page of the Nairnshire this week features the story on Fit housing coming to Nairn (you can view a larger PDF version of this here). This innovative project in partnership with NHS Highland, Carbon Dynamic and Albyn Housing could pioneer the future of health and social care across Scotland and has already won a top innovation award.
In a press release from NHS Highland (linked above) Lucy Fraser, head of Innovation at Albyn Housing Society, said: “The central concept of these high-quality, sustainable homes is that they will include ambient, physiological and building sensors to collect data that can be monitored and responded to by a variety of agencies – potentially transforming the way health and social care is delivered as populations across the globe continue to grow older.“
By using technology available today to better monitor the health and needs of those receiving care it can lead to better more efficient services being delivered. There is a very interesting article from Digital Health Age that goes further into detail over how this technology can assist especially around falls.
“Falls currently cost the NHS over £2 billion a year with 4 million beds being taken due to fall related injuries. The system has the potential to help residents live well, prevent hospital admissions and enable early discharge.”
Carbon Dynamic the partner who will be designing and creating the buildings are a company based in Invergordon who build modular properties off site and put them together on site in a fraction of the time than that of traditional building methods.
The video below shows the work Carbon Dynamic had done on the Kingsmills Hotel Inverness.
This project is part funded by the Inverness City Region Deal fund, Nairn could very well soon be part of this exciting project leading the way on how health and social care will be delivered in future.