Every day there are people in our area who face financial difficulty and struggle to put food on the table. These people have no choice but to turn to foodbanks for help, it is an issue present in our own town, although many do not hear or see of it, the fact is the problem exists. Foodbanks rely on the generous donations of others to continue providing for those most in need, it is important to highlight this issue to generate support for those offering help.
Foodbank use is at an all time high, the Trussell trust is a charity that support Foodbanks right across the UK and publish statistics on an annual basis. This charity gave out over 1.1 Million three day emergency food supplies to those in crisis last year, 3,245 of these were in the Highlands. The number of people who are turning to foodbanks are increasing year on year with the most recent figures showing a 2% rise on the previous year. The number one reason for referral to foodbanks are benefit delays followed by those on a low income. In order to receive a food parcel from a foodbank you need to obtain a foodbank voucher, these are available from local community organisations.
The Highland Foodbank is run by Blythswood Care with centres located across Highland including one in Nairn. With Christmas just round the corner this is the time of year where it is tougher for those in a position with little to no money. SNP Nairnshire will be holding another food bank stall to encourage as many donations as possible to the Foodbank ahead of December. The stall will be held on Saturday the 26th at the corner of Leopold Street between 10am and 1pm, much needed items as well as food products include toiletries such as soap, razors and sanitary towels. Money donations are also welcome, everything collected will go directly to Blythswood.
Let’s all do what we can to give those struggling a good christmas this year.